

The 6 latest news stories are displayed below, you can also visit the Full News Archives

Thumbnail for NFA Crew Team Raced at that NYS Scholastic Rowing Championships, or

Forty-one (41) of the NFA Girls and Boys Varsity Crew Team scholar athletes raced in nine different events at the the New York State Scholastic Rowing Championships, or "States.â€

Thumbnail for Flag Football Clinic | NFA Goldbacks Coach Younger Athletes

The NFA Girls Flag Football team hosted a clinic for younger athletes earlier this spring. The Varsity athletes paired up with their younger peers took turns running drills and helping the young athletes develop their flag football skills.

Thumbnail for Tennis Lessons Start the Day at Fostertown School

With activities designed for young learners, students use kid-friendly equipment to learn and enjoy the game. This unique program is tailored for Fostertown's elementary students, promising fun and fitness to start their day!

Thumbnail for Niko Buchholz | 400th Faceoff Win for the Boys Varsity Lacrosse Team

Congratulations to Niko Buchholz on earning his 400th faceoff win for the NFA Boys Varsity Lacrosse Team. As an added bonus, Niko finished his 400th faceoff win possession with a goal!